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Quality of life in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+3Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: qualityequalityinequalitywalk of lifequality standardsqualifyqualifiedqualifyingMeaning: n. your personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live (as distinct from material comfort). 
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61. Counselling is concerned with maintaining the quality of life of older people for as long as possible.
62. Clinical trials provide valuable information on new treatments that can save lives or improve quality of life.
63. This verbal testimony stems from the silent witness of a quality of life which demands an explanation.
64. Is all this affecting the quality of life of society in general?
65. Patients quality of life was enhanced, they returned to work, and their disease progression was delayed in a sustainable way.
66. One must look at the quality of life that diabetics and their carers have.
67. He repeated promises that the council was doing all it could to improve the quality of life for residents in the area.
68. We are grateful for all these contributions which have substantially enhanced the quality of life of the residents at Sussexdown.
69. The project is one of several at schools around the country,( with the aim of improving pupils' quality of life.
70. Quality of life of patients with cerebrovascular diseases.
71. Chronic pain can systematically erode the quality of life.
72. Objective To understand quality of life(QOL) of the patients with haemodialysis(HD) and explore the relevance factors in order to draw out nursing methods to improve their QOL.
73. "Three-dimensional treatment planning appears to have a significant impact on improving quality of life by reducing feeding tube dependency, " said medical intern Linna Li, M.
74. Objective: Through clinical nurses to the cerebrovascular disease patient with the early hemiparalysis body is restored to health the training, improves the patient quality of life.
75. Effect on quality of life in patients with pityriasis rosea:Is it associated with rash severity? Chuh A. A. T. Chan H. H. L.
76. Objective To compare the effect of quetiapine and sulpiride on quality of life in the treatment of first-episode schizophrenia.
77. Objective To evaluate visual impairment by visual function and quality of life assessment in elderly population.
78. Objective To discuss the influence of different nursing interventions on the quality of life in myasthenia gravis(MG)patients after thymectomy, and to find the effective education methods.
79. Objective: To reduce the scanty urine ascites symptoms of the tympanites patients and the suffering of patients and improve patient comfort and quality of life, extend the patients life.
80. Meanwhile, early closure of enterostomy to assure quality of life in cancer patients is also feasible.
81. The team concluded that EPO increases Hb levels in children with anemia, reduces their need for transfusions and improves the quality of life in those who have an increase in Hb.
82. They say a potion containing five raw herbs reduced sufferers' need for conventional medicines and improved the quality of life for those being treated for atopic eczema.
83. But pains of these kinds do not destroy the essential quality of life the same way that those springing from self-disgust do.
84. Malnutrition and eventually cachexia have been shown to have a negative influence on the clinical course of CHF and COPD, and to impinge on patients' quality of life.
85. Rofecoxib improved response rate and several quality-of-life items, including pain-related items and global quality of life.
86. Some goals, like kindness, integrity, and being self-disciplined, enhance the meaning and quality of life, whereas others only feed into your sense of defectiveness, Dr. Leahy says.
87. Sero-resistence affects the quality of life of syphilitic patients, and the most notable influences in order of relationship, work and study, recreation and entertainment.
88. Study Design. Systematic literature review of articles pertaining to quality of life (QOL) in neuromuscular scoliosis patients that underwent spinal fusion.
89. The drop of the " Engel's coefficient'signified a new improvement in people's quality of life.
90. Conclusion By endoscopic thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy, the patients are lightly injured without scar in the neck. The quality of life is improved.
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